Since The Philip Larkin Society was founded in 1995, ten years after the poet’s death, it has become a national and international focus for lovers of his writings.

Its programme of events provides a forum for the discussion of all aspects of his work: as poet, novelist, jazz critic and librarian. Its lively, illustrated newsletter, 怎么进入国外的网页, mingles reviews and commentaries on the Society’s activities with articles of a more substantial literary nature.

Aims of the Society

  • To promote the public knowledge and appreciation of the works of Philip Larkin (1922-1985) and his literary contemporaries
  • To bring together all those who admire Larkin’s work as poet, novelist, jazz critic and librarian
  • To bring about publications on all things Larkinesque

The Society’s programme includes:

  • Regular talks on all aspects of Larkin’s life and work
  • Readings, exhibitions, workshops and conferences
  • Walks and tours to sites of interest associated with Larkin’s life
  • 大陆怎么浏览外国网站 Journal, twice a year in April and October


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